

At A Glance

  • Age: 11 years, 1 months
  • Breed: Mixed Breed
  • Gender: Female
  • Location: N/A
  • Status: Deceased


Let me introduce myself... My name is Daisy, and boy, did I come a very long way to get here in America. I came from Turkey with a group of many Golden Retrievers. Foster Mom calls me a "wanna-be." You see, I am a Beagle mix. How did I get mixed up with the Goldens, you ask? Well, let me explain. They tell me that they do not know a whole lot about me, except that this kind lady in Turkey (I think she was a volunteer at a shelter, but I do not know that for sure) had this big, handsome Golden named Charlie that she was watching. She brought me into her house also, and Charlie and I fell in love!

Since Charlie was one of the Goldens that RAGOM was rescuing from Turkey and we were bonded, RAGOM said that I could come, too. (How lucky am I?) So, we came as a pair, are being fostered as a pair, and will be adopted out as a pair. How lucky can someone be, with twice the fun and twice the lovin'? I was really scared and frightened when I came over, but I have really calmed down a lot since being here in my new world in my foster home. I am now coming up to Foster Mom and Foster Dad for pets and attention. They tell me that that is a good thing. I am also taking treats now, as I would not do that the first couple of days.

My passport (yes, I even have my very own passport) said that I was a year old, but Foster Mom and Foster Dad found that hard to believe. They said that I certainly was older. Charlie and I went to the good doctor to get a good check-over, and she said that I was around 5 years old. I am in really good health, except that I tested positive for the tick-borne disease Ehrlichia. Foster Mom noticed that I was limping a little and she told the good doctor about it. The good doctor, at first, just thought that it was my joints and that I needed to get on a good joint supplement, but after I tested positive for Ehrlichia, she said that the limping was probably due to that. I am on Doxicycline for a month.

I know my name, so I do not know if I came with that name or not, or if RAGOM gave me that name. I do not know the simple commands that I should know, but we are working on that. I do pull on a leash, but since I am just a little squirt (I weigh 28.8 lbs.), I am real manageable, unlike big boy Charlie. Teehee.

I'm not too sure about these little things that come out of a little hole in a door to the basement. I am told that they are friendly and that they will not hurt me. I bark at them to make sure that they will not hurt me, but sometimes I just ignore them.

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