

At A Glance

  • Age: 30 years, 4 months
  • Breed: Golden Retriever
  • Gender: Female
  • Weight: 40.00 lbs
  • Location: N/A
  • Status: Deceased


Sponsored by: Connie Jendro
At 14 years old, Suzi is one of the grand dames of RAGOM. She is a petite (40 lbs) purebred golden retriever, who gets along famously with our three resident goldens, our three cats and our 5-year-old daughter. Suzi went to see our wonderful vet Dr. M. on 7/25 for a check-up and she is in very good health for her age. Her heart and lungs sound good and her blood work indicates that her kidney and liver functions are normal. She is slightly anemic, but not enough to cause concern. However, to be on the safe side, we will start giving her vitamins. The exam also revealed a skin infection secondary to an allergic reaction. The infection is making her very itchy, so I bathed her with medicated shampoo and she is now on antibiotics. Dr. M. is confident that the infection will clear up quickly. And Suzi does have a couple of ailments typical of seniors. She has a small growth on her left eye, which is being treated with a topical medication. If the growth does not respond to medication, then it may have to be removed. However, that should be a fairly minor procedure. She also has arthritis in her hind legs and is on pain medication. But despite all of this, Suzi is one of the happiest, spunkiest dogs I've every met! She loves to follow me around the yard and is interested in everything that is going on around her.

We are also fostering Suzi's 11-year-old son Jake (08-300) and the two of them are a joy to watch together. Jake lost his vision due to a condition called progressive retinal atrophy. So Suzi often serves as Jake's "seeing eye dog".  Because of this special relationship, we would like to see Suzi and Jake adopted together.

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