


At A Glance

  • Age: 19 years, 5 months
  • Breed: Golden Retriever
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: N/A
  • Status: Adopted


11/2/05: I was on the road at 6:30 a.m. to get Zeek from the Cities, and by 9:30 he was at the vet getting his bath, shots, microchipped etc. He tested negative on both Heartworm and Lyme :) Does have a bit of ear infection in the ears, and little hot spot/infection in his privates, thus postponing any neutering for another week or so. He made the ride to St. Cloud without a peep, and it was only about his 3rd time in a car...in this case the "doggie mobile". Zeek's family got so busy with work and 3 kids, he just wasn't getting the time and exercise he needed. They loved him enough to call Ragom so we could find him a forever home where he can get the time, attention, walks and playtime he deserves, we know you are out there.

Zeek came "home" to his new foster sisters, Reba the resident and Brandy 05-330. Reba takes everything in stride, while after Brandy had enough she let him know in no uncertain terms, keep your sniffs to your self. He is either "kissin" the sides of the girls' mouths (deference) or sniffing the opposite end, which will make for a long week or two :)

Zeek the man is tall, has the dark red coat that lightens up going down his withers and tail. I think he looks skinny at 60 lbs, but vet says he's just right. Maybe it's the fact he's a busy 18 month old puppy and the girls have shorter legs and are shall we say curvy? He has met the cats with little to do. Just wants to sniff 'em out and see what's what. He was too excited to eat tonight, either on his own, by hand, or in a separate room. I am sure come morning he'll be ready to chow down.

I put him on a 40' lead and let him run ...and run he can, he gave Brandy a run for her money or visa versa. They sort of wear one another out.....though while Brandy is ready to nap, Zeek is still wanting to play. He's very strong and pulls on his leash, so tomorrow we will be trying the Gentle Leader. Hopefully that will help get more control with him and save my arm sockets. Over all he is a sweet boy, just a typical puppy in a big body. He loves to come flip your hand while you're trying to type good things about him. He is very smart, seems to be housebroken, and I think with obedience school he'd be darn near the perfect Golden living the Golden Life!!!

I am sending some pics with to try and give you an idea of how handsome he is....but they don't do him justice. He's so busy I couldn't get a lot of close ups of him, so took what I could....Zeek and the girls. Will let you know how it's going after a couple days and nights....hopefully he likes to sleep. If you think you'd like to meet this big puppy, give us a shout at [email protected]. We'll be waiting to hear from you.

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