

At A Glance

  • Age: 9 years, 6 months
  • Breed: Mixed Breed
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: N/A
  • Status: Adopted


In addition to LOVE this dog has the following requirements:
Entered Foster Care Fence Kid Friendly Another Dog Cat Friendly
9/29/2015 No Yes  Not NecessaryYes 
This is the most recent information available; however, it may change as we learn more about the dog.



Hello, RAGOM world! My name is Flynn, and I am an exuberant and spirited soul, wrapped up in a soft and squishy little puppy body.

I look like a Golden Retriever, but shhhhh, I'm actually a Goldendoodle. Have you seen my wee little family on the webpage? Those puppies to the right of my page are my brothers! We were all lovingly surrendered from a woman who bought us from a breeder. We are all now here with a mission- squeeze our adorably smooshy faces into families of our own! I'm pretty good at wiggling my way into my foster family's heart (and home)- literally and figuratively.

How, do you ask? Well, my family says I am quite the snuggler. Foster Mom says that I am possibly one of the most mellow pups she's ever seen. Yes, I can run around like a crazed hyena who drank a few too many Mountain Dews from time to time, but I'm a puppy- I need to cause just a wee bit of trouble and let some hilarity ensue! Other than playtime with my foster sister, Sadie, I mostly like to sit on the couch or bed with the humans. I am curious about the 2 kitties in this place, but I don't bother them too much. And if I do, I get a nice firm paw to my snout from the Master Kitty, King Thor (he rules the house). But really, I do just like sitting in a lap or next to people.


I went to the vet last week, and everything went well. I have my first round of shots, I am growing, and I now have meds for the worms that I have (surprise!!!). I have my appointment next week for something Foster Mom calls a neuter? Maybe she meant "new fur"; I think she's confused. My fur is pretty nice. Either way, she says I can go home with my fantastic new family after that.

Now, please note- I am a puppy, and I require a lot of attention, training, and love. I am not completely potty trained (but am pretty good at it)- I still have accidents in the house. I also am not trained, and will grow to be big boy! I will also need a lot of exercise. I may be little and wear out quickly now, but in a few short months, I will be big and have a lot more energy than I do now. Growing is hard work! However, I will reward you with everything an amazing puppy can give you, as long as you can agree to raising me well. :-)

Think I fit your bill? Contact your placement adviser and maybe I can snuggle my way into your life!


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