Post Adoption

Quick Links

Here are some helpful quick links that you may need to reference over the lifetime of your RAGOM dog.

Please notify us at [email protected] to ensure we have the correct address and phone numbers for your dog’s microchip.

Lost RAGOM dog?
Contact The Retrievers at 612-547-9004 or via immediately. 

Want to send in an update? 
[email protected] 

Has your adopted dog gone to the Rainbow Bridge?
[email protected]

Behavior questions
[email protected] 

RAGOM will reimburse an adopter $25 for completing one training course and another $25 for completing an advanced course.

Email [email protected] with a copy of the certificate or receipt for reimbursement.

Ask to join our RAGOM Adopter Facebook group to connect with other RAGOM adopters! Search RAGOM Adopters and include your RAGOM dog’s name & number in the request.