


At A Glance

  • Age: 9 years, 10 months
  • Breed: Golden Retriever
  • Gender: Female
  • Weight: 45.00 lbs
  • Location: N/A
  • Status: Adopted


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"In memory of Buddy 14-009"


In addition to LOVE this dog has the following requirements:
Date Available Fence Kid Friendly Another Dog Cat Friendly
12/2/2016 Physical fence required
This is the most recent information available; however, it may change as we learn more about the dog.


A big RAGOM welcome to Abby, a sweet 18-month-old pup who weighs in at about 50 lbs. She looks exactly like a Red Fox Retriever with her lovely deep red coat, although she is reported to have some Golden in her also. Most important - Abby is 100% darling!

Abby has a short-term challenge - a broken hind leg which was set with a fixator on November 21st.

She was surrendered to RAGOM because her family could not afford the vet bills involved. For the coming 8+ weeks, Abby needs special care. There will be vet visits for routine follow-up: X-rays, removing the fixator, and then, subsequently, removing the intramedullary pin currently in place. On a day-to-day basis, Abby's exercise and her use of the leg is severely restricted. Temporary Foster Mom (TFM) keeps Abby leashed at all times when we are outside, even though the back yard is fully fenced. No running! No jumping! No boisterous play with the residents! Inside, TFM has also done a bit of Abby-proofing. I caught her eyeing the couch speculatively yesterday (i.e., "Perhaps a comfortable spot for a snooze?") and promptly blocked her access to same.

Stairs are a critically important consideration in the next few months. TFM has a one-level home with three steps out to the back yard. Abby and TFM negotiate those steps together with Abby's hind quarters in a towel sling so that she puts NO weight on her leg either exiting or entering the house. Abby must be carried if a flight of stairs is involved. This sweetheart is a model patient. She eagerly takes her meds, with peanut butter, of course! She has already started to gingerly put a bit of weight on the leg. And TFM expects Abby to get a lot friskier quite soon. Holding her back may be our biggest challenge!

Other than her temporary disability, Abby is a close to a perfect puppy. For example, after a long transport day from ND to the Twin Cities - in a bus surrounded by a number of unfamiliar dogs - Abby arrived here last Saturday at midnight. She was composed and friendly. She met the resident pack happily. We then all went to bed - Abby in her crate - and slept late the following morning. Pretty good for being in unfamiliar surroundings with no one that you know, isn't it! And, now, less than a week later, she is already snuggling with the residents!

Other fun facts about Abby are that she:

  • has settled into our routine seamlessly;
  • is housebroken. No accidents to date;
  • has been around one- and four-year-olds, as reported by the surrendering owner (SO), and loves children. Abby travels to her Permanent Foster Mom on 12/9 and, with a 5-year-old in her home - I'm sure you'll get further updates;
  • walks calmly on a leash;
  • loves to cuddle and actively seeks out hugs and pats. Abby is totally content just to be with me;
  • rides nicely in the car;
  • knows some commands, i.e., "sit," "down," and so forth. We're learning a few new ones also. "EASY" is a very important one, as in "EASY - Do not pull me down the steps as I'm supporting your hindquarters";
  • will run like the wind if she gets loose, per the SO. She needs a fully fenced yard or a Forever Home that will unfailingly use a leash/tie-out.
  • is crate trained.

And, lastly, Abby is already getting in the Holiday spirit. She has started to audition our collection of ears, albeit with mixed success:

PLEASE NOTE: Abby is temporarily unavailable because we want to monitor her recovery, which we fully expect will continue to proceed smoothly. Also, because she's on some meds just now, you might not fully appreciate what an energetic and active puppy she usually is! We hope to change her status to "Adopt Me" in early January, after X-rays and the removal of the fixator. At that time, if you are potentially interested in providing Abby with her Forever Home, please let us know.

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