

At A Glance

  • Age: 23 years, 5 months
  • Breed: Golden Retriever
  • Gender: Male
  • Weight: 90.00 lbs
  • Location: N/A
  • Status: Deceased


Sponsored by: Kirsten, Chuck and Tyler 06-517



Well take a look at this "looker"!

We picked Amos up at a vet who was holding him after he was surrendered by a commercial breeder. These are the facts of the surrender: Amos is sterile and so can no longer breed and therefore not make any money for the breeder, he is 122 pounds, about 35 pounds over weight, he is so uncomfortable with his excess weight; he is heartworm positive, however the vet thinks maybe he will have to lose weight before the heartworm treatment begins; he has double ear infections; he has Whip worms; he is 6 years old and has never been out of a breeder's kennel and finally, he stinks to high heaven!!!!!

Ok, now for the good part, as I am sitting here with tears in my eyes, he is so incredibly sweet. He still is kind after all the hurt a human has caused him. He wants to trust us badly.

The first line of defense was to get him smelling like a dog not an outhouse! We took him to the groomers on Saturday morning. As we were trying to lift him out of the truck, he jumped and landed on his face. His legs couldn't support the weight he is carrying. He cut his lip and scraped up his nose. The nicest group of people helped him through the bath and conditioner. He was so scared but once again he allowed others to care for him. Kristy, the young groomer, will probably never forget our Amos, or probably the big tip. :) She more than deserved it! When we went to pick him up, my husband didn't recognize him.

Eric and I cleaned his ears this morning. They were smelly and gross. Not now. Those ears shine now. Eric was holding him down, once we got the 122 pounds down on the floor. We broke a sweat!!!! Once I started the cleaning and rubbing, Amos started moaning! He loved it, as all Goldens do!

He goes to our vet tomorrow. We know that he will need to be heartworm treated, treated for ear infections, get a plan for his weight loss, clean his very, very, very bad teeth and get neutered. The timeline will be crucial.

I will update his bio tomorrow after the vets. Stay tuned. You are going to be amazed at this boy's transformation! We are thrilled to have him and help him become a "Golden" again!

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