

At A Glance

  • Age: 23 years, 1 months
  • Breed: Golden Retriever
  • Gender: Female
  • Weight: 55.00 lbs
  • Location: N/A
  • Status: Deceased


Merry Christmas to the Golden Seniors and their fosters! Merry Christmas to the Senior Goldens and their fosters from Anonymous

Kevin and Kari From Kevin and Kari


Did someone order a Brandy? You Sir? Ma’am?

Oh wait! You can’t drink this Brandy!  Silly me!

I would like to introduce everyone to Ms. Brandy! Brandy is 8-years-old, going on 9 in January. Brandy came from a home where she was no longer getting along with their female Great Dane after they got a male Great Dane. They had Brandy from the time she was a puppy. We welcomed Brandy into our home a week ago, and have not had one issue with her and our 5 dogs (of various sizes) not getting along. They all do GREAT together.

The one issue I have noted is that I don’t think she was fed enough. She seems to want to eat in big gulps. She has also taken food off the counter and table. FM had a friend over and we were baking Christmas cookies, and twice Brandy put her paws on the counter and grabbed some dough. The one time I was able to grab it out of her mouth so she could not eat it (and no we did not use it…ha-ha!) 

After that I baby gated her out of the kitchen. When we were done baking and putting cookies away Brandy put her paws on the table to try and get a cookie that was sitting there, when my friend went to tell her no Brandy kind of turned at her and happened to knick her hand. Nothing happened and Brandy IMMEDIATELY knew she had done wrong and I put her back in the mud room baby gated. FM’s friend is fine and wasn’t worried at all. I think poor Brandy had a hard time getting food. She is NOT aggressive in any manner. She is still adjusting to her new life, and starting to realize that she will be fed twice a day and the food won’t run out. FM and FD have been working with her and she understands that she can be in the kitchen, but no paws on the counter. I truly believe this was a one-time incident and that she just felt pressure being in a new situation. It was too much too soon. You could honestly see how sorry she was in her face!

Brandy does NOT act like she is 8 by any means! She is just, if not more, active then a puppy at times! She likes to pick up the kong and play…mostly by herself, and will sometimes try and engage FM in play.

Brandy does not need a fence, and I think that what would be best for her is a home where she is the only dog, or maybe one other dog. I think she would be very content being the only dog. She does fine with our cats, in fact she kind of ignores them. I am not sure about kids, but I think for Brandy I would recommend kids 14 and up.

Just look at these pictures and say no to that face.


Contact your placement advisor today if you think Brandy is the girl for you!



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