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At A Glance
This boy is Buster. He is about 7 weeks old. He was in for his vet check up and weighs 7 lb. 2-1/2 oz. He is a Golden Mix. He is from a litter of 4. Buster is the independent one of the bunch. The group usually stays close to each other but sometimes he goes off on his own. Not too far though. As we were leaving the Vet yesterday, a big dog was coming in. He barked at him and tried to run toward him. It was so cute. The dog had to be 10 times his size. I guess he thinks he is pretty tough. Buster likes to snuggle for a little, then back to playing. Unless he's tired. Then he's a good snuggler. And he gives wonderful little puppy kisses. Anyone would be lucky to adopt this little boy. He's got such an attitude!! |