

At A Glance

  • Age: 8 years, 4 months
  • Breed: Golden Retriever
  • Gender: Female
  • Weight: 53.00 lbs
  • Location: N/A
  • Status: Adopted


Please welcome Cammie to RAGOM and to the USA. She is one of lastest group of dogs that RAGOM has rescued from Turkey. Cammie is about a year old. She is on the petite side, weighing in at 53 lbs, but able to walk completely under the bellies of 2 of our male Goldens. She is also a lighter blonde golden color, not the white that some of the Turkey dogs are. Let me tell you though what she lacks in stature she makes up for in spunk. This little girl is a dynamo... when she plays, she plays hard and doesn't like to stop. 

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