

At A Glance

  • Age: 20 years, 8 months
  • Breed: Mixed Breed
  • Gender: Male
  • Weight: 90.00 lbs
  • Location: N/A
  • Status: Adopted


Sponsored by:

Joe and Sandy Martin


Merry Christmas to the Senior Goldens from Santa  Merry Christmas to the Senior Goldens from Santa 

Have a Golden New Year! love, brittany  Have a Golden New Year! Love, Brittany



In addition to LOVE this dog has the following requirements:
Entered Foster Care Fence Kid Friendly Another Dog Cat Friendly
1/7/2013 OptionalYesPrefers to be the only dogTested with outside cat only
This is the most recent information available; however, it may change as we learn more about the dog.

January 16, 2013

9 yr old Gunner was surrendered to RAGOM on Monday. He is very sweet with people and loves to put his nose on your lap for pets and love. As you can see he has the sweetest face with a personality to match. Gunner does need to lose about 40 lbs. though.

I've only known Gunner a couple of days but wanted to get his sweet face up on the website. He had his vet visit this morning and we will get his tests results back tomorrow. They are checking to make sure he isn't overweight due to his thyroid.

Gunner doesn't let his weight hold him back. He runs just fine around the yard and can easily get up on the sofa in his room.

The surrendering owners say Gunner gets along well with other dogs and older children. He doesn't much like my senior girl so I will have to check this out further. My senior girl doesn't get along with many dogs so Gunner may be picking up on this.

Gunner is fun to watch sleep because he moans alot and his little legs start running. One thing that is very endearing is that Gunner smiles. When he first got out of the truck to meet me he raised his lips in a big smile and wagging tail. This smile just melts your heart. This might scare someone who doesn't know it is a smile but it is very cute.

I will send more updates as I get to know this handsome sweet guy.

Sponsor Gunner

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