

At A Glance

  • Age: 18 years, 7 months
  • Breed: N/A
  • Gender: Female
  • Location: N/A
  • Status: Adopted


6/15/06: Meet Ms. Honey Pie Snookum...Honey for short. Honey was a stray who may or may not be pregnant. Honey has a vet appointment today and we will find out for sure.

If she is not pregnant she will have every family knock down my door to adopt her. She is the cutest little Golden girl, loves people, and as soon as she sees you she is rolling over for tummy rubs. When she is happy or excited she curls the tips of her ears up and does a flying nun imitation. She is the 3rd female Golden that I have fostered who does this...it's very cute. What can I say, I love duffy ears.

So far she doesn't jump up, responds to her name, and lives up to her name. She arrived at my house around 9pm so I don't know a lot about her right now. She is warming up to my hooligans, Oakley and Arthur. She doesn't care too much for them yet, but she will. Right now she curls her lips at them and will snap. She hasn't hurt them and I tell her it's not appropriate and she listens.

More to come once we find out the results of her possibly being pregnant.

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