

At A Glance

  • Age: 7 years, 10 months
  • Breed: Mixed Breed
  • Gender: Female
  • Weight: 55.00 lbs
  • Location: N/A
  • Status: Adopted


Jessa was rescued from an auction and has anxieties with new situations and people. However, in a safe and quiet environment she is a fun and playful pup. Jessa needs a medium to large confident/playful dog to learn from and to burn her high energy with. She also needs a physical fence to keep her safe and a quiet home environment with no children. Her forever home will need to continue Jessa's treatment plan for her anxieties and must be located in or near the Twin Cities.

Jessa's Sponsor

  • Jen G

    Just a great organization!

Sponsor Jessa

Dog Updates

  • dog update avatar
    Hello, everyone. I have some great news: I'm adopted!My foster mom has worked very, very hard with my training to get me ready for my forever home, and I have learned a lot, but we have struggled to find the right family who matches my needs, so I have made the decision to stay right where I am in my foster home and make that my permanent home as of September 1st! Now I have a last name.We recently lost my foster sister, Kraelyn, when she crossed the bridge on August...
  • dog update avatar
    Here is a little video of me and my new buddy, Alex 20-007. We became fast friends and he likes to play outside with me. In his house, he is very, very calm. Rumor has it he might have a family of his very own soon.I am still a goofball and love to steal toys from my foster sisters. I am still amazed at how patient they are with me.Hi, everyone!I have been working through my stranger danger issues since I last checked in. I went through a 6-week class for...
  • dog update avatar
    Hi, everyone!Foster Mom tells me it has been a very long time since my last update and I need to get some info out there! Let's just say I have been busy entertaining this summer.For April and May when Foster Mom was working at home on Fridays, my friends CJ and Lani would come and hang out with us all day. Those two are so much fun! Lani and I play hard and run and have a blast.Apparently, summertime is a time for marshmallows, either cooked or not. Here is my first expe...
  • dog update avatar
    I met a new friend this week, little 13-week-old Blaze 19-066. He is a little fluffy ball of fur. Someone will be very lucky to be his family. We got to play in the yard, and then we had a sleepover on Monday and we played and played and played in the house in the dog beds.Today I went to my foster sisters' vet for an outing. I was plenty nervous and shaking, but I followed the girls into the office and then the exam room. My sisters received some vaccinations. I pre...
  • dog update avatar
    The doctor says it is too early to determine if larger events would always be this way for me, but I guess it is a possibility. I have not been going to meet-and-greets for a long while now, as the doctor says that is too overwhelming for me with all the strangers, loud noises, and people staring and reaching for me.At the party, people were not focused on me, so that helped. It was fun to watch all the dogs running and playing, too.As always, I am super happy in my home envi...
  • dog update avatar
    And here is the three of us, me showing off my profile.This is one of Jessa’s two foster moms to update you about Jessa. If you have been following her updates, you will have noticed that she was made unavailable for adoption in November. This was due to the fact that we saw a veterinary behaviorist with Jessa at that time due to her fear of basically the outside world.Jessa has been on a couple of medications for her anxiety to enable us to work better with her in dealing with her fears....
  • dog update avatar
    I am still a little thief and steal toys. What can I say? I love to have fun.We are still working on my fear of strangers. I have met a lot of people in the past few weeks. I am doing less barking at them, almost none, and quicker to come closer for treats.I am doing pretty well with thunderstorms. The low rumbling stuff in the distance doesn't bother me. However, I did get startled by a big crack of thunder and lightening that sent me and my foster sister Lilly running into the house. ...
  • dog update avatar
    Hi, everyone!Just a quick shout-out to say hello. It seems the 4th of July just won't quit around here. People are still blowing stuff off. It is making one of my foster sisters not so happy. I seem to do OK, but prefer to be in the house. I am not panicking or anything.I am staying busy with daycare and playdates. My friend Anya 18-044A and I were hanging out on Friday at daycare. It was her first time there, so I showed her the ropes. She did well, and it was fun to have her with me....
  • dog update avatar
    I have learned very valuable skills in foster care, such as eating ice cream or yogurt from a spoon. See how patient I am to wait for my turn in this video.I have started to be a bit weary of strangers and have started barking at them outside. Foster Mom says it could be one of those fear stages we go through between 6 months old and 14-16 months.Even though I have an adult body, I still have a puppy brain. So, Foster Mom has started to work on that with me. Last Sunday, Anya 18-044A a...
  • dog update avatar
    Hi, everyone!Just checking in to see how your summer is going. Apparently, there was supposed to be a "springtime," but we seem to have skipped that!I am still having a blast in my foster homes, and they keep me busy. I am still going to doggie daycare once per week to burn off some energy and keep my social skills up to date.I turned the big 1 year old on May 18th, so naturally, we had to have a little play party with my peeps. Here are some pictures of a few playdates.It turns out I...
  • dog update avatar
    When the other dogs had their turns, I quickly and swiftly removed the ears from their heads. Yeah, yeah, back to stealing!Well, we got about 8 inches of snow today for April 3rd, or as some people are calling it January 75th. I hope you got out to enjoy it! Someday, spring will arrive!That's it for now.JessaApparently, there is a new breed of Doodle out there, the BunnyDoodle. It only appears one day each year. Somehow we all had to take a turn being an impersonator.&nbs...
  • dog update avatar
    It’s me, Jessa, but I’m writing from my second foster home. Now I spend most of the week at this house with my friend, Bella, so I don’t have to be in the kennel all day while my first foster mom is at work. And Bella and I just love to play.When I first started coming here, Bella and I were the same size. Even though I’m bigger now, we can still play really well. There are times, though, when we are just chilling and Bella likes to share her bed with me.I also go to...
  • dog update avatar
    Hi, everyone!Sorry for such a long delay in an update. Life has been pretty busy over the holidays and the month of January.I am getting the chance to get out and about and I just love it!  I go to meet-and-greets and meet a lot of fun people and other dogs.  I attend playdates with my friends to burn off extra energy when the weather is not too cold.Here is me at a playdate at Nicole's. I am running with CJ and Lani. Geez, do we like to run fast!After all of the fun of Christmas t...
  • dog update avatar
    Hi, everyone!Just Jessa touching base to say I'm having fun in foster care. Two of my foster cousins were here for a sleepover, so we were so busy playing. Foster Mom said the bed was for sleeping, but I like to play up there, too.Sunday was a great day and my first trip to the Golf Course. I got to meet 3 new RAGOM dog friends and be on the course with my foster sisters, Mama Nicole, and Paddington. Paddy and I had to stay on leashes the whole time, but I kept trying to run with everyone el...
  • dog update avatar
    We just run and run and play with toys. This is such a great life! Paddington is such a sweet boy and about two years old. We became instant friends.Hello, everyone!It's me, Jessa, just checking with you to let you know how life in foster care is going. I am glad to report that I am having a marvelous time!My favorite thing to do is go to Mama Nicole's house for playdates. I have so much fun there running and playing with everyone. Look at the pure happiness on my face! And my feet are n...
  • dog update avatar
    As for my medical stuff, I am up to date on my shots. I did have a double ear infection, but that is cleared up now. I will be spayed on November 15th and then ready to find my forever home. I am not quite housebroken, but am quickly figuring it out. I do not like loud noises and will stick close to my foster mom or sisters to feel safe. Sometimes my fosters sisters bark loudly in the yard and that makes me a little unsure, so I stick close to Foster Mom. I sleep through the night in my cra...

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