

At A Glance

  • Age: 12 years, 11 months
  • Breed: Mixed Breed
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: N/A
  • Status: Adopted


In addition to LOVE this dog has the following requirements:
Date Posted Fence Kid Friendly Another Dog Cat Friendly
 4/13/2016Not required Yes Optional No 
This is the most recent information available; however, it may change as we learn more about the dog.

Hi RAGOM, Meet Koda!

Koda is a 4-year old male Yellow Labrador Retriever. He is 74 pounds and has a very soft blonde coat and is a great family and companion dog.

Koda was a house dog with his first family, living with children. His loving family surrendered him to RAGOM due to allergies that developed. He gets along great with children and does not jump or get too excited when meeting new people. Koda has a great recall, and comes immediately when called. He knows “sit”, “down”, and “leave it”. He has never taken anything unless he has been told he can take it, or it is specifically given to him. He will not go anywhere until he has been told it is okay for him to be there. Koda’s love from him first family is evident by his easy-going, laid back personality which makes him highly adaptable.


Koda settled into his foster home immediately and loves being around his FM and FD. He plays chase with the resident dog and they enjoy each other’s company; however, another dog is not a requirement for Koda as he enjoys time with people and would be fine as an only dog. We have seen no resource or toy guarding when he is around our resident dog. Koda is very laid back and enjoys being around people, and will often lay within a few feet of whoever is watching TV on the couch. When FM works from home he consistently lays on the ground by her and enjoys being in her company.

Koda has free roam of the house during the workday when FM and FD are at work. His FD usually comes home over lunch to let the dogs out for a break; however, this would not be required. Koda is housebroken and has never had an accident in the house. Additionally, when left alone during the workday he does not get into any trouble. He is good about informing us when he needs to go out by sitting at the back door. If you do not let him out, he will get your attention and walk to the door again. Koda loves rawhides or chewing on bones. He gets very excited to have a bone and lays down where he has been told to lay to chew on his bone.

Koda had his vet appointment and the vet said his weight was ideal and he is now up-to-date on his vaccines. He has itchy eyes which are being treated for the next 10 days and also has a hernia. He is scheduled to be neutered on April 22, at that time his hernia will be fixed. He will need to rest for 7-10 days after his neuter surgery before he will be able to go to his forever family. We did have a run in with a cat at the vet. We learned that Koda has a very high pray drive around smaller animals, so he will not be able to go to a home with a cat.


There are many things we love about Koda. He is a great companion dog, and loves being around people! Koda is very adaptable and has a laid back personality which makes taking him anywhere very easy. He is eager to see people and meet people when they come, but he always stays on the ground and leans into them for back rubs and attention. Koda has a soft mouth and takes treats or bones great. He does not snap or grab at anything, so he will do great around young children and any toys they may have. We have not been able to take Koda to the lake, but he loved the water when FD gave him a bath. We was fine being in the walk in shower, and did great when being toweled off. Koda also loves the car, and often shares a seat with the resident dog while enjoying all of the spring time smells when his FM has the window open. Koda is a comforting dog who truly takes an interest in whoever calls his name or is willing to give him belly rubs!


Although there are many things we love about Koda, one thing we are working on is walking on a leash. We tried using the Gentle Leader on him, and he continually tried to pull it off. Koda does pull quite a bit when he is on a leash with either his gentle leader or regular collar. We have started using a harness similar to an Easy Walk Harness and he does much better on walks and does not pull as much.

Please contact your placement advisor if you are interested in Koda. Koda is truly an amazing dog that will make his forever family very happy and loved. He will be available to meet his forever family at the end of April, after he has recovered from neuter surgery. Thank you for reading about Koda and we know he would love to meet you!

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