

At A Glance

  • Age: 24 years, 4 months
  • Breed: Golden Retriever
  • Gender: Female
  • Location: N/A
  • Status: Deceased


6/24/05: Hi, I'm Lady. I arrived at my foster home around lunch time with my housemate, Luke 05-02-347. We met the resident Golden and the other foster, Sunny 05-174. Now she was scary..had this big clear plastic thing coming outta her neck/head area. Whoa, does it sting if she nails you with that.

So anyway, we did the meet and greet thing, a little sniffing, relieved myself and then saw it....the big yellow pool with Water!!! Yes, it was so cool and fun to jump in and out of. After some play time, of which I spent mine on a 50 foot run (my mom told my foster mom I need to be attached by my Gentle Leader or you can say bye bye Lady), we got up on the deck, closed up the gates and enjoyed the warm breeze.

Then I saw it....him....this orange furry thing laying on the other side of the glass sliders. Well, no one would let him out or me in, so I guess I spent a bit of time looking at him through the glass....well ok, about a half hour or so. I would look, he'd ignore me, I would turn around a couple of times....he just yawned. It was too much. Finally I got in and met him....he couldn't have cared less....typical cat!! So that was sorta the end of the stare down.

We had dinner then - I was famished, and girl, with this figure I can eat all I want! Then it was time for the humans to eat....they gated us out of the the other 3 laid down for a short nap while I did what I do best....nosed around, checked things out and of course, what else? Found the cat on the chair and we did the stare down thing again. But hey, it's cool....I know eventually we'll be good friends.

So now it's getting late and I guess Luke wants to send a couple pics and a note in. Just a little side note, I may be 7 but I act and play like I'm about 2; don't let the gray fool ya. I see the vet on Monday morning so will update you after the weekend and the vet visit.


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