


At A Glance

  • Age: 22 years, 2 months
  • Breed: Mixed Breed
  • Gender: Female
  • Location: N/A
  • Status: Deceased



Hi everyone! 

My name is Penny and I am so happy to be part of RAGOM.  I am 8 years old and ready to start my new life with a new family.  The vet said I am part Great Pyrenees, in good shape and weigh in at about 69 pounds. I spent some time in a shelter in Iowa because my old family said I ran away from home and they didn't want to take me back.  Foster mom said she finds that hard to believe because I love to be near my foster family and am kind of like a shadow.  I really love being an inside dog!!  I love the soft dog beds and they even let me lay on the couch!!  I get along good with other dogs but think I would like to be an "only child'.  I like to have all the attention and get in trouble when I voice my feelings about the other dogs getting petted.  I just give a little growl but mom and dad said I cannot do that.  So, I hog as much attention as I can and mom says I give really nice kisses.  They say that I am a "chow hound" and I get a little pushy when somebody has food.  They do this funny thing and keep all the food inside cupboards and wayyyyyyy on top of the refrigerator!  So, I heard them say I should probably go to a home without little kids because I might accidentally knock them over if they have something that I want.

So, if you are looking for a low maintenance companion to hang out with, I might be your girl......let's talk!!!   Enjoy the snow and I will write again soon with some more pictures!!

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