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At A Glance
In addition to LOVE this dog has the following requirements:Date PostedFenceKid FriendlyAnother DogCat Friendly 10/5/16Not required
Not tested
This is the most recent information available; however, it may change as we learn more about the dog.
Welcome Rory to the RAGOM family. Rory is an almost 9 month old Golden Doodle with the most beautiful golden curly coat you could lay your hands on. He is currently short trimmed as he came in very dirty and matted from a breeding facility.
Rory has been to the vet and we have updated his vaccination record. He just completed his neuter surgery (wearing his special collar) and is observing kennel/leash activity restrictions. He is heartworm and fecal negative. His ears have mites for which he is getting drops and cleaning of the waxy dirt. He only needs to visit the vet to complete his distemper booster.
Rory's personality for such a young pup is amazingly gentle and calm when he is in the house. Yes, he is a pup, and requires supervision but has already learned the words "GO POTTY" consistently outside. As with most youngsters, you may need to say this more than once because their attention span at this age is nanoseconds with the need to run and play at all times. Inside he is happy to lay on the soft dog beds and understands the term "lay down". Again, he is a puppy, and will sniff, taste, and chew his way through his young age. Amazingly I just watch and if he shows the tendency to be inappropriate a simple quiet "no" stops him. He is play appropriate, though foster Atticus is not always happy to play with him. He has learned very quickly when Atticus says no, leave me alone, and you are in my personal space.
Don't let his fantastic pup slip through your fingers, I think he may even be a good therapy dog for a family. Let me know what you think and let your placement advisor know if you want to meet this pup.