


At A Glance

  • Age: 12 years, 6 months
  • Breed: Mixed Breed
  • Gender: Female
  • Weight: 35.00 lbs
  • Location: N/A
  • Status: Adopted


In addition to LOVE this dog has the following requirements:
Entered Foster Care Fence Kid Friendly Another Dog Cat Friendly
7/26/2015 Not requiredYes, all ages
Not tested
This is the most recent information available; however, it may change as we learn more about the dog.

I would like to introduce Rosie, a sweet, petite, beautiful girl who was rescued from a reservation in South Dakota on July 23rd. I was on a short rescue mission during that time and was thrilled to learn she was going to be a RAGOM girl, and lucky for me, she did not have a foster, so I got to take her home!

Rosie's owner surrendered her because "her leg just never got better." That is the extent of her history. What a gift they gave Rosie!

When I first met Rosie, she was in a pen at the rescue, a shy little girl whose tail thumped on the floor when I came to sit with her. I had to carry her outside. She was quickly treated for fleas and followed up at the vet the following day for some immunizations and a health certificate to travel to MN. The next day, 2 vans were loaded with dogs (and a few cats) for the long ride to MN.

First time meeting Rosie

A follow-up vet visit last Wednesday revealed dermatitis and secondary skin infection due to flea bites. Antibiotics were started and within 2 days, her skin was much improved. She was negative for heartworm or any parasites. Yeah for Rosie!

Monday, August 3rd, Rosie saw Dr Razz for an evaluation and she was diagnosed with a hip fracture! She had surgery and an FHO procedure which creates a false joint. She was back home with me by 8 pm and she is doing great! It is expected she will have a successful recovery and lead a full life. She will head to her permanent foster in Iowa at the end of the week. Rosie the Rock Star!

Getting some loves after surgery

Ready for breakfast the morning after hip surgery!

What I know about Rosie:

  • Approximate age is 2-3.
  • Weight 34 lbs. (is a bit underweight).
  • She is just a Doll and loves people and dogs.
  • Beyond cute.
  • Has a delightful, happy personality.
  • Bonds quickly and is a little Velcro girl who is coming out of her shell.
  • Kid tested and approved with ages 8 and 11.
  • Has not had a single accident in the house. I was not expecting this!
  • Crates well (always a couple hidden treats in the crate). Will whine a bit at first.
  • Roams about when I am home.
  • Since settling in has gotten into a little mischief... a little pup still left in her, I think.
  • Enjoys chew toys and bones.
  • Loves to eat and has no resource guarding. I just switched feeding in a muffin tin to slow her down a bit.
  • Will not require a fenced yard.
  • Loves dogs, but I don't see this as being a requirement as long as she has some doggy friends in the family or neighborhood.
  • Is learning new sights and sounds... Lawnmowers, vacuums, trains.
  • She will need to heal for a few weeks and then get her spay scheduled before she is ready for her forever family.

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