More than 1,000 Golden Retrievers living in the country of Turkey are struggling to survive. Municipal shelters are overcrowded and few people are interested in adopting. Dogs are often let loose in the forests or left to fend for themselves on the streets.
We currently have the opportunity to rescue nine of these Goldens, but we need your help! The cost to transport each dog to the United States is $1,850. Please donate to support a Turkish dog’s rescue journey to America.
Shuster 18-060TD was found with Meg 18-058TD living in a garbage pit near a small town. X-rays revealed that at one point he had a broken leg, but it does not appear to affect his gait. He is about 5 years old and very sweet and loving. Shuster is named after John Shuster, a member of the gold medal-winning U.S. Olympic curling team.
Jess 18-062TD was found in a small town, covered in mud and terribly frightened. A Turkish volunteer took her in and searched for her family, but no one claimed her. She then spent three weeks at a vet clinic while being treated for an ear infection. Jess, a young and happy dog, is named in honor of Jessica Diggins from Afton, Minnesota who, with her teammate Kikkan Randall, won the United States’ first ever cross-country skiing gold medal at the 2018 Winter Olympics.
Kiki 18-059TD was found at a bus station in the town of Sakarya. Many days passed and she never left the area, sleeping there every night. No family ever claimed her. She was rescued by our Turkish friends who report that she is between 1 and 2 years old, and very sweet and calm. Kiki is named after Kikkan Randall who, with her teammate Jessica Diggins, won the United States’ first ever cross-country skiing gold medal at the 2018 Winter Olympics.
Chloe 18-061TD was adopted by a Turkish family after living in a municipal shelter. A few months later rescuers found her wandering the streets and contacted the family, but they no longer wanted her and had abandoned Chloe to fend for herself. She has a cloudy right eye that might need medical treatment. Her rescuers describe her as “total love.” Chloe is named after Chloe Kim, a U.S. Olympic gold medalist in snowboarding.
Hamilton 18-056TD is a 2-year-old boy who was surrendered to a municipal shelter by his family. At some point his foot was broken, likely from being hit by a car. He never received medical care, so his foot is curved outward. But Hamilton runs and plays like a normal dog. He is loved by his rescuers and everyone who meets him. Hamilton is named in honor of Matt Hamilton, a member of the gold medal-winning U.S. Olympic curling team.
Mikeala (“Miki”) 18-057TD is between 6 and 7 years old. A rescuer found her begging in a campground picnic area outside the forest in Bursa. She is overweight but otherwise seemingly healthy. Our Turkish friends report that she is a very sweet girl. Mikeala is named after Mikeala Shiffrin, a two-time U.S. Olympic gold medalist in skiing.
Landy 18-063TD was found in a wealthier area of Istanbul where it is common for people to buy and then abandon dogs when they are tired of them. When he was rescued volunteers reported that he was especially sad. He is a very good boy who needs a family. Landy is named after John Landsteiner, a member of the gold medal-winning U.S. Olympic curling team.
Sweet Meg 18-058TD is estimated to be between 5 and 8 years old. She was found at the local garbage pit and had recently given birth to a litter of puppies, who died one by one while living at the dump. Meg had an impact wound on her head that has since healed, but her face is still swollen and her eye is possibly damaged. Despite all Meg has been through, she appears to always be smiling. Meg is named after Meghan Duggan, a member of the gold medal-winning U.S. Olympic hockey team.
George 18-055TD is 9 to 10 years old, incredibly sweet, and loves people. He was found two years ago when his rescuer saw his adorable face peering out from the fence at a local shelter. She could not leave this senior boy to languish, knowing he would likely never be adopted. He has lived with her since, patiently waiting for a family to call his own. George is named in honor of Tyler George, a member of the gold medal-winning U.S. Olympic curling team.
Please help us save these dogs so they can live the Golden lives they deserve.
If you prefer to make a contribution by postal mail, send your donation to: Retrieve a Golden of the Midwest, 5800 Baker Road, Suite 120, Minnetonka, MN 55345. Questions? Email [email protected] or call 952-946-8070.